HealthCare NGO
Feeling good is key! Taking care of your health gives you more energy to do the things you love. It also helps you avoid getting sick often, saving you money and hassle. Eduquest runs multiple healthcare programme to improve the access to quality healthcare services for our unprivileged communities. In today’s world to get good health service is every bodies fundamental rights.” But unfortunately we are not getting it. In our country the most important factor is infectious and degenerative diseases. In addition the country is experiencing a rise in lifestyle diseases like Hypertension, cardiac diseases, Diabetes, Obesity, cancer etc. India is grappling with the emergence of other diseases also such as HIV/AIDS and food and water born diseases. A major portion of migrant labors that come from diseases endemic area settled in urban slums with highly vulnerable surroundings such as overcrowding, garbage, unsafe water, open sewers, stagnant water, poor immunity etc. for which neither Govt. is bothered nor the sufferings are aware. These factors are suitable for transmission of communicable diseases & vector born diseases. In addition to above other high prevalence of risk factors are smoking, alcohol, drugs , malnutrition and poor hygiene.

The Eduquest have Examined, awared and treated counseled an approximate 480000 patients by March, 2019 Eduquest have provided awareness on various communicable and Non communicable diseases through hrough O P D, organizing health camps, Awareness sessions, health talk, counseling sessions etc. Till date Eduquest have organized 90 health camps attended by 16920 participants, 1478 awareness sessions attended by 36365 participants Presently Eduquest is running four mobile dispensaries in j jclusters, resettlement colonies and villages of North and North-West areas of Delhi and covering approximate 600-700 patients daily. Eduquest have also worked with S O S Village Bawana, World Vision, HCL. And Nav sharshiti
Government Healthcare Project
“Health promotion targeting lifestyle factors and danger signals for prevention & early detection of Cancer” (Ministry of Health Govt. of Delhi. Karkardooma). Approximate 3500 participants screened for different types of cancer by organized Awareness sessions and camps at various locations in North and North-West area of Delhi.
Free Mobile healthcare Projects at door step for underprivileged community
Eduquest is working in partnership with TATA Power Delhi Distribution Ltd company since 2015 . It is an going project for providing health facilities at doorstep in j j clusters, resettlement colonies and villages operating in working ar ea of the company i.e North and North-West area of Delhi Four mobile dispensaries are visiting at 16 locations every working day attending approximate 600-700 patients at doorstep.
Difficulties in availing medical facilities by The poor people living in Rural / J J Clusters are due to:
- High cost treatment
- Discrimination and perceived unfriendly environment at Govt. Hospitals.
- Lack of information and assistance to access these health care facilities.
- Lack of awareness regarding diseases caused by illiteracy non-guidance at hospital level
Rise in diseases in India:
- Substandard housing
- Inadequate water
- Sewage and waste management system
- A crumbling public health infrastructure
- Lack of financial resources
- Adopted unhealthy western diet that are high in fat & sugar. This causes increase in lifestyle diseases like Hypertension, diabetes, cancer, obesity etc leading to high mortality rate
- Lacking standard of health care. Poor public obtaining the treatment from unqualified practitioners who are providing many inappropriate and unwanted treatments.
- Direct purchase of self Medicines from chemists and using them in inappropriate doses
- India is grappling with the emergence of diseases such as AIDS & non potable water & food diseases.
Health Objective
- To improve the health status of people living in J J Clusters
- To improve the quality of health seeking behavior of people.
- To provide awareness on preventive measures of diseases and healthy life style
- To provide the importance of hygiene
- Adolescent health education
- To provide investigations to find out the provisional diagnosis on the spot like Blood Pressure check-up, Blood Sugar Check-up and Hemoglobin Check-up
- In health camps providing general health check-up and treatment including Screening for Non –Communicable diseases like Diabetes, Hypertension, COPD, Oral cancer and Breast and Uterine cancer
- Women Health & Hygiene with special emphasis on menstrual hygiene management along with distribution of sanitary pads. Age- 12 yrs-45 yrs
- Prevention of Non- Communicable diseases
Priorities for Good Health Campaigns:
- Health Awareness & Examination, investigations, diagnosis & Treatment
- Promotion of community health and life style
- To ensure enlightening of these inhabitants on issues pertaining to treatment, hygiene, Family welfare etc.
- To develop sustainable community -wide prevention of Cardio-Vascular diseases educating people on Hypertension, High cholesterol and smoking and Diabetes in order to change the behaviour of the people
- To educate the people on high risk behaviour like physical inactivity, Tobacco consumption (chewing and smoking), unhealthy diet , alcohol drinking
- To aware women on breast self examination
- To provide information on cervical cancer, HPV and HPV vaccination.
Our Healthcare Activities at Community level:
- OPD Services- Provisional / clinical Diagnosis, investigations, treatment and counseling
- To organizing the Awareness sessions at locations to educate the beneficiaries for prevention of communicable diseases and early diagnosis of Non-Communicable diseases.
- Awareness on diseases caused by
- Awareness of HIV/AIDS. STDs, Sanitation, Safe drinking water, Water borne diseases, Open defecation, Women health. Menstrual Hygiene Management, Female foeticide etc.
- Prevention of Non- Communicable diseases
Mobile dispensary shall visit the different locations and to provide treatment to the patients at their doorsteps. The beneficiaries are not aware about the
- What are the diseases?
- How bacteria or virus or skin infections are transmitted?
- Signs and symptoms of diseases.
- After exposure the time to appear the symptoms
- Who is at risk
- When we should attend the hospital
- Treatment
- Preventive measures
- Malnutrition & Anemia
The outcome of the project since 2015 – March 2019
- Total beneficiaries attended four mobile dispensaries- 370392 at 12221 visits ( at locations)
- Health camps- 30 attended by 4920 participants
- Health camps for Industrial workers are 21 attended by 3872 workers
- Health camps for Adolescent girls are 19 attended by 2627 participants
- Awareness sessions organized on prevention of various diseases at locations are 1278 attended by 30335 participants
Awareness sessions organized at vocational training centres run by TATA Power Delhi Distribution Ltd. In j j clusters for underprivileged people are 576 attended by 18746 participants
To get financial help for medical treatment, you can reach out to Eduquest. Our NGO offers support programs to assist individuals in need of medical assistance.
NGOs like Eduquest offer various healthcare services, including medical consultations, preventive care, health education, and financial aid for medical treatments. Eduquest is committed to supporting community health.
Eduquest, our NGO, provides financial aid for medical bills in India. Visit our website or contact us for assistance. We’re dedicated to helping individuals access the support they need for medical expenses.
NGOs like Eduquest play a crucial role in healthcare by providing services such as medical consultations, preventive care, health education, and financial assistance for medical needs.